Tuesday, January 27, 2009

What is this?

What is this?

Help! I've a few of these. I had assumed that they were old phone jacks, but then I noticed that they had five leads...


Shane said...

What rooms and locations in the rooms are they in?

Unknown said...

Maybe an intercom system? (Possibly combined with the phone.)

Lotta Dahl said...

its very similar to a Swedish phone plug except here it looks like the prongs are square and not elongated. Mabe if you pull it out of the wall and look at the wire it will help figure to it out! Now you've got me all curious!

artemis said...

I think it is phone....we had a very similar outlet in the turn-of-the-century house I grew up in that had a round five-pronged converter to a standard jack. Can't remember the shape/configuration of the prongs though---just that the converter was old, always coming loose and needing to be plugged back in! Also, in our 1915 California house, several of our original electrical outlets were non-standard numbers/shapes of prongs and such (no longer working by the time we got them, and sadly now gone because the electrician forgot to save them!) because when the wiring was installed there were not yet universal standards, so different parts of the country/items used different types of wiring. Maybe the same thing was true for telephones?

karrey said...

It's not a tv-antenna hookup, is it? We've got a similar one in our living room, and that's what ours is. I'm not sure about the number of holes, though.

Christopher Busta-Peck said...

I've provided a photograph of the inside of the outlet and some additional description in this post.

Neighmond said...

I have them in my house-they are hooked to a set of transformers somewhere and supply the various voltages to run old battery powered radios with grid current.

Some of them also supplied the ground/arial connection.

Christopher Busta-Peck said...

Neighmond - do you by chance have photos of the transformers, and of the cords for the radios that would attach to them?

There are a bunch of transformers in the basement, and I'd assumed they were all for the pumps for the boiler or for old boiler pumps that have since been removed. Now, I wonder if some of them might be for that.

Unknown said...

Going with what Neighmond said, it looks a lot like this: http://cgi.ebay.com/Vintage-Plug,-Ham-Radio,-5-Prong-with-Match,-_W0QQitemZ140299301149QQcmdZViewItemQQimsxZ20090205?IMSfp=TL090205151009r21553

Anonymous said...

Belgian Type Phone Jack?