Saturday, November 15, 2008

Our house!

Our house!

I knew I had a good photograph it somewhere...


Lotta Dahl said...

OH! That is so pretty! You guys are so lucky! Did you close yet? I knew you were going to on Friday, but thought it might be today or did I miss read it? Either way, Congrats!

Ranty said...

Whoa! Gorgeous!

Christopher Busta-Peck said...


I may have been overly optimistic last week. Everything has been completed with the exception of the paperwork for the escrow for the repairs required by the city, which I expect to be done by Tuesday at the absolute latest. Once that is done, we should hear from the title company and work on figuring out exactly when we will close - perhaps as early as Tuesday, but definitely this week.


Y'know, Cleveland is one of the few major markets where real estate prices have stabilized. You'd be surprised how relatively affordable a place like this is. Of course, you'd be stuck with Cleveland weather.